What Operating Systems are compatible with Tidy Favorites?

Currently Tidy Favorites is compatible with Microsoft Windows 7/2003/XP/Vista© Operating Systems©.


What Internet Browsers are compatible with Tidy Favorites?

Currently Tidy Favorites is compatible with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Flock, Google Chrome and Netscape. For assistance on how to setup the Tidy Favorites toolbar buttons for your Internet Browser see Browser Setup .


Is there a way to transfer my existing/current browser bookmarks into Tidy Favorites?

Yes. To transfer your current browser bookmarks into Tidy Favorites use our convenient "Drag & Drop" method. Open the Tidy Favorites page and then go to the "Favorites List" in your browser and simply "Drag and Drop" them into the Tidy Favorites page. This is the perfect time to create multiple tabs in Tidy Favorites, so you can "Drag and Drop" your Favorites into a specific tab for organizational purposes. (i.e. Entertainment, Education, News, Sports, etc.)

Assistance to perform this task is provided in the Tidy Favorites Introduction section.


Is there a way to backup my Tidy Favorites thumbnail configuration?
Yes. Currently backing up the Tidy Favorites thumbnail configuration is manual; however the process is very simple. Use the example below, depending upon whether your Operating System is XP or Vista, and navigate to the appropriate file location and perform a Copy to a safe place. In the event you ever need to restore the configuration you can simply copy this files back to this folders. The file locations are hidden so you need type folders names in explorer.

XP Path:
"C: \Documents and Settings\<yourname>\Applications Data\Tidy Favorites\TFV.FDB"

Vista Path:
"C:\Users\<yourname>\AppData\Roaming\Tidy Favorites\TFV.FDB"

Note: TF use database from folder with the program (.exe file) if options.xml exists in the folder(portable version). In other case program takes database from application folder.
In other words TF decide portable version or not by checking options.xml file in own folder.

After the installation of Tidy Favorites my anti-virus/anti-spyware/anti-adware/firewall program displayed an alarm condition/popup window declaring it had detected a malicious software program. Does Tidy Favorites contain any of the elements ?
No. Tidy Favorites DOES NOT contain any viruses, spyware, adware or any program/functionality designed to track user’s personal data or Internet browsing activity. It is not uncommon for perfectly safe programs like Tidy Favorites to be falsely declared as malicious by programs designed to protect user’s privacy. Due to the ever increasing abuse of some software programs that do fall into the category of malicious, many programs like Tidy Favorites create what is called a "FALSE POSITIVE" detection. This is due to the fact that Tidy Favorites must have access to the Internet for it to operate properly. Where malicious programs report back to the software developer or provider of the software for user tracking purposes, Tidy Favorites simply completes the task of accessing the web site you have configured via the thumbnails.

If your protection program reports a "FALSE POSITIVE" contact the developer/provider and ask them to take corrective action, so that future versions of their software will react correctly. You may also perform a malicious software detection scan with many other programs, many are free, to confirm that Tidy Favorites is not malicious. Some examples that correctly identify Tidy Favorites as safe are Spybot Search & Destroy and Norton Antivirus.

You may have to intervene/adjust preferences with your privacy/protection software the first time you use Tidy Favorites to supply "permission" for it to operate. Typically this task only has to be performed once.


How do I ensure I have the latest version of Tidy Favorites installed on my PC ?
To ensure you have the most current version of Tidy Favorites installed click on Show Setting icon and then "Check Updates..." selection and you will be guided to a Tidy Favorites web page for version identification purposes.

To upgrade Tidy Favorites to a newer version do I have to uninstall my current version?
No. You do not have to uninstall earlier versions of Tidy Favorites to upgrade to the latest version. We do suggest, as a precautionary step, to backup your current thumbnail configuration in the event a problem surfaces after the upgrade. Tidy Favorites always attempts to make upgrades reliable and user friendly, however, it is possible an unforeseen problem may surface and it is a good idea to have your configuration backed up in a safe location in the event it would need to be transferred to your newly upgraded version of Tidy Favorites.

NOTE: The thumbnail configuration backup procedure is described above.


How do I add a Tab to Tidy Favorites ?
Adding a Tab to Tidy Favorites is very easy. View the Home Page video or follow these simple instructions and images.

Right click anywhere on the tabbar or an existing Tab and then select "Add Tab".

The name "New Tab" will automatically be assigned to the new Tab. Right click on the New Tab and click on "Rename Tab". Type in the desired Tab Name and depress the "Enter Key" or Click anywhere on the tabbar or Tidy Favorites page.

How do I rearrange the Tabs in Tidy Favorites ?
Rearranging the Tabs in Tidy Favorites is as simple as "Drag & Drop". Simply click and hold the mouse button down on the Tab you would like to relocate and then drag it to the desired new location. Be sure to drag directly along the row of buttons until you reach the desired location. After reaching the relocation point let go of the mouse button and you are finished.

How do I Add/Remove "Search Buttons" in Tidy Favorites ?
To add or remove search buttons to the Tidy Favorites page click on the "Search Buttons Options" icon.

To Add a Search button Click on "Add Search button" and then follow the instructions in the popup window.
To Remove a Search button Click on Search Buttons Options and navigate to "Remove Search button", and then finally to the desired button you want to remove. Click on the name of that specific button and it will be deleted.

Is there a way to move/resize the thumbnails more tidy?
Yes. While holding down the mouse button also holding down the "Alt" Key, this will allow greater flexibility. You will probably have to reduce the size of the thumbnails if you plan on adding a lot of them.


What are the "Arrow" buttons for in the top left hand corner of the Tidy Favorites page?

The arrows are for navigating "Forward and Back" from Tabs that have been opened. They function similar to how the arrows work in a browser. Clicking on the arrows permit navigation to tabs in the Historical Navigation Sequence/Order they were opened. If a Folder was opened at any time these arrows will also navigate to the Folder Open state.

Why upgrade to the PRO version of Tidy Favorites?
Upgrading to the Pro version has many benefits. Please visit our Registration page to learn more.


How do I attain technical assistance if after reviewing this FAQ section my questions or issues are unresolved?

Three methods are available to Tidy Favorites users to attain technical support or resolve common issues.
a) Visit Tidy Favorites Community and research the topics to discover if an answer or resolution has already been posted or post a new comment.
b) Visit the Feedback and Support web page and submit your question, issue or feedback.
c) Visit the Tidy Favorites Home Page to view the operation of Tidy Favorites video if your issue or question is functionally related.