Q: How to Export/Import IE Favorites Folder to a 32-bit Version of Windows?

A: To import or export IE Favorites folder to any Windows versions, you should export it to a Netscape Bookmark.htm file first.

To export the Favorites folder in IE5, IE6 or IE7, undertake the following steps:
1. Start Internet Explorer
2. On the File menu, click Export and Import, and then Next


import IE favorites


favorites wizard


3. Select Export Favorites >> Next


export favorites


4. Click Favorites >> Next


5. Choose the file which you want to export your favorites to. The default file is Bookmark.htm


default favorites file

6. Click Next >> Finish


finish wizard


To import the Bookmark.htm file into Internet Explorer 5, 6 on Windows 95 (Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 2000) use the Bookmark Converter tool.

To import Favorites to Internet Explorer 7, do the same, except for step 3. Instead, you have to select Import Favorites, and then click Next.


import favorites to IE7